Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Election 2016 (NY Times)

This election is going down as the most odd elections in the history of the U.S. So it's important for teachers to teach about this topic. This article suggests a whole 4-part unit to teach students. Its first suggestion that teachers should teach there students is to introduce each of the candidates running, Donald Trump, and Hillary Clinton. Secondly it suggests teachers should teach about the issues at stake. Next it suggests that teachers should show the students each candidates campaign, and there strategies to running them. Lastly it suggests that teachers should have the students think about and talk about it themselves.

So the way teachers could teach about this would be to talk about some of the issues that Trump and Clinton debate about. For example, teachers can teach about gender and LGBT issues in the debate to help students themselves get a better grasp on the topic and help them learn about which candidate has the best plan to resolve this issue. Other topics could be about race/ethnicity, religion, economy, war, etc. All these topics are all important and need to be taught to students in schools by there teachers.  

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Safe Spaces (Reflection)

In the article "Safe Spaces: Making Schools and Communities Welcoming to LGBT Youth," by Annemarie Vaccaro, Gerri August, and Megan S. Kennedy they talk about a lot of stuff to do with how LGBT people grow up. When I was in elementary and middle school I feel like I never noticed if someone was LGBT. It wasn't till high school when I finally realized some peoples true side. When kids in my high school came out as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender, I feel like no one ever really minded too much. It was nice to see how the kids in my high school accepted it. On the other hand, there were a few people who would tease/bully the LGBT community. Luckily administrators would step in and fix the situation but I think we as educators need to make it so everyone realizes were all human.
In my high school there is one individual that stands out a lot more than others just because of what she went through to make a change in the community. This individual was a transgender. Was a male but now goes by a female. She really wanted to change my high school and make it a LGBT safe area. She did this by having herself, friends, and family help raise the importance to respect all people. They held public meetings and announcements. It truly was an outstanding thing and I'm glad I was one to see this and learn about it.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Unlearning The Myths That Blind Us (Extended Comments)

In Christensen's "Unlearning The Myths That Blind Us," she explains how cartoons have a strong influence on kids at an early age. A fellow classmate of mine Stephanie Warren recently wrote a reflection about Christensen's article and made a lot of good points. The first thing Steph said that I really liked was about Christensen's idea of "Secret Education." Steph goes on to talk about how parents let their kids watch programs without realizing outcomes they could possibly have. So many cartoons/characters make violent, racial, or stereotypical references, and with kids watching these cartoons who knows how they interpret from it. 
Another thing Steph brings up about the article is how one of Christensen's students asked why there is no black Cinderella? I really like how she answers this with another question to viewers of this movie. She says "Do we think of these things while watching Disney movies." Something I would like to add in here is why are all princesses have perfect bodies? This is telling young girls that princesses are perfect, and if your not like them your not a princess. After Steph talks about the Cinderella question, she goes on to talk about "Thomas the Tank Engine." I fully agree with her that "Thomas," was a very good show for kids because it was very neutral and had some good lessons in it.
The last thing I liked that Steph did was reflect on what she watched when she was a child. I like how she just looked at the title of "Wait Till Your Father Gets Home," and realized the gender stereotype in the title itself. Shows like this were loved by a lot of viewers but it's taken a while to see that there was heavy stereotyping going on in it. Lastly she talks about how she watched "Tom and Jerry." There is lots of violence in this show and this could have a negative effect on children, as Christensen points out. Also Steph adds in how she could remember a maid in a lot of episodes and how she was black, and heavy set. Like she said, she never questioned it. Until now when we think of it, and how racism and gender rolls are portrayed in the show. 

One thing I would add in to this would be how Christensen says that there can be a lot of sexism in Disney movies we may not realize. Like how the females are trying to get a man, and how the men usually are trying to save or rescue the females. 

Points of Discussion? How many shows can you think of that have "Secret Education" in them?